Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I just thought of something that I should add as #11 to my par-T.....I have slight OCD when it comes to the way toilet paper is put on the holder....
toilet paper
Do you see how this paper comes over the top to be dispensed? Well, that is how I ALWAYS put it on...and (I oh so hate to admit this) if I am at your house and yours is the opposite way...I will fix it for you.....but only if I think I will be going back in there to potty.

WOW...I feel so much better getting that off my chest!!!

On another toilet note....

Cleaning the toilet
What is wrong with this photo? Do you ever see a man cleaning the toilet? Probably not unless he lives in a fraternity house. Ladies and Gents...my husband cleaned the toilet last night...he doesn't usually do this unless I am pregnant. Thanks Babe!! You are the best!!

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Huse Yo Mama said...

side note for all those reading, that is not Jen's bathroom, nor her hubby.

and....you and I are going to have some serious problems, woman! I MUST have the paper coming from behind the roll. And I'll change it too. You and I will be wasting a lot of time in each other's houses!

Huse Yo Mama said...

did my comment make it through?

Jenna Wood said...

What a sweet hubby! My boys (7 and 5) are responsible for the main bathroom 'cause they are usually the ones to mess it up. :)

Emily said...

I do that too! :)

Christina said...

Oh my gosh, someone just like me. I am so OCD about toilet paper. Like you I want it to come over the top and I will reverse it whenever I see it the other way. In my house everyone always puts it the other way and after all these years I am finally suspecting they do it on purpose. I have been turning it around and keep telling them for the last 10 years how I want it so I know they know. What else can it be but them trying to drive me nuts. Gee nice kids I have. Love the photo. A man cleaning the toilet, priceless.

Jessica said...

I am on the same train you are with the OCD. Try not to be but I find myself flippin' other peoples rolls over in their restroom! Hey we are saving the world one person at a time! www.healeybunch.aboutmybaby.com

Jennifer said...

lol. just a note, putting the TP the inside way prevents littles from unrolling the TP. :) that's why I put mine the other way. but my dad always fixes it