Our Christmas Cards have been sent out announcing some very important information the Feagans Family is holding. Check out the card below for our announcement!!!

Our Christmas Cards have been sent out announcing some very important information the Feagans Family is holding. Check out the card below for our announcement!!!
I know this one is a little blurry but I think it truly captures how happy he is out there playing (or running the cones)!
Later in the evening I gave him a bath and put him back into a disposal diaper. I did not put any jammies on him since I was calling the others in for baths and I knew he would be in the bathroom getting wet.
Later in the evening (still unclothed) I hear grunting in the back of the house. Not such a big deal when Madison's door is closed but I saw it open so I thought he was in her room getting into something he should not be in. As I am walking down the hall I hear the sound and the word "potty" coming from our room.
Lincoln had pulled off his diaper and was sitting on the potty!!!
Now this would be a wonderful post IF I could also report that he did something in the potty....but it looked like this.....
So that being said he had a bigger offer (of course) 3 nights/4 days, sounds good right....it was a BLAST!
How Sweet is this?
Daddy and L-Train
Lincoln takin' a ride ;)
Momma and Parker