Saturday, April 23, 2011
Haylee Jo is HERE!
For those of you who don't know, my brother and his girlfriend, Amanda, had Haylee Jo today at 5:30ish. When she was born she inhaled fluid and was sent to Children's Hospital due to her lung development. Needless to say as of about 11:30pm my brother sounded good and was confident that she would be good too! She needs to hang out there for 48 hours and have some test run!
A couple of years ago when my family was together celebrating Easter my brother asked why we celebrate Easter answer to that was the Resurrection of Christ! He kind of shrugged it off and went about his ways. Since then I have prayed and prayed for him to see God and how big he is, was and always will be :) When we pray these things we never know how God will show up. He showed up today, in a big way.
April 22, 2011 started out early...I received a call from my mom at 5:29am that my brother and Amanda were at the hospital and my first niece, Haylee Jo, was on her way! Now, do you think I was able to go back to bed after! But I did pray. I prayed for health, safety and a beautiful baby girl, a new mommy and a new daddy!! I prayed that God would show up in a big way. I believe that He is in control of everything that happens, the good, the bad and the ugly! I also prayed that this baby would somehow make my brother see, feel and need Christ. I asked for God to reveal himself!!
As the day went on I talked and text my mom. Just little updates here and there! Sometime after 4 I was on the phone with mom and she said that since Amanda's labor had stalled they were going to give her some more meds and if there was not any progress with in so long they were going to do a c-section. I knew that was not what Amanda wanted so we prayed. Not too long after that I received a text saying "she is a 10, and pushing". He totally hears us!
At 6:28pm, SHE IS HERE came across my phone!! At 7:29pm I called my mom for an update on Haylee Jo and Amanda. All I could hear were the sobs of my mom on the other end. Haylee Jo was being transported to Children's Hospital because of what I had mentioned earlier. Around 8:00pm I headed to the hospital assuming that Haylee Jo was on her way to Children's. When I got there my parents were in the waiting room and Haylee Jo was being prepared to load up in the ambulance. Bruce and my parents were going to follow the ambulance to the hospital and be with her. Amanda's mom was planning to spend the night at the hospital with her.
I needed to go to Wal-Mart to get somethings for Amanda since Haylee's bag was still at home. Took the items she needed back to the hospital and when I got back in the car I sent a text to my brother telling him he could crash on our couch since he lives about 40 minutes from the hospital where Amanda was staying and over an hour from where Haylee was staying.
Here is our text:
Me:#### is our garage code if you want to crash at our house to night and shower.
B: Ok, thanks for everything
Me: Not a problem. Anytime...I hope you know that.
B: Yes i do
B: Talk to God for Haylee
Me: Been doing it all day...and will forever. Parker, Madison and Lincoln are too. She is super loved by them already.
B: Thanks a lot.
Me: Praying for you too, touch guy! And Amanda, of course.
B: Thank I will talk to you in the morning good night
Pray for him! God is showing up in a huge way! I just hope he puts his hand in God's and starts his walk!
Pray for Haylee Jo, she is adorable, 8lbs. 10oz, and 21 inches long of adorable! So blessed!!
Pray for Amanda! She is in one place and her baby is at another. I can't imagine.
Friday, November 5, 2010
new blog
I will also be adding fun decorating things that I find!!
Have a great day!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Parker being "the man" on his bike :)
All Smiles for Lincoln!!
Harrison was in charge of mowing the drive way.
Harrison thought he should help Daddy with raising Lincoln's seat.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Like the New Look?
Of our blog??? Go on over to Lamb Designs and check out Emily! Maybe she could hook you up with something fresh and NEW :)
Hey, want to know what is going on with us as soon as I post something??? Over there on the Right, become a follower and an email will come straight to your inbox!!
Thanks for checking in on us!!
Sorry this is so off is not working with me right now...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
New, New, New
I have included some photos I found on a memory card from when Harrison was in the hospital. He just turned ONE...I cannot believe it :) It is bittersweet for me.
I have a new toy :) I traded some lessons for a Flip Video Camera :) It is so much fun to play with! Our first movie was of Madison to Aunt Kaleigh! Aunt Kaleigh lives in Australia. I am looking forward to uploading lots of video :) I am still waiting to capture Lincoln singing Our God!
Monday, February 8, 2010
I do have a good excuse, I mean I had another baby :) and we put our house on the market and well that in its self it a LOAD. I will be posting some of the houses that we have looked at an like. The down fall to a lot of these houses is that most all of them are in either a short sale or a foreclosure. A short sale can take up to 4 months to close. And neither of them will accept a contract that is contingent upon the sale of your current home. For now, enjoy these photos of our little soccer player!!! We are looking forward to season #2 with Coach Tom!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I am hosting a small giveaway with Becky over at Becky's Bow's N' More. Here is your chance to enter to win a cute product from her blog. The value will be up to $6 for any one product on her blog. So if you have a daughter, niece, granddaughter, or neighbor who would look cute with a new hair bow or other product then this giveaway is for you. You have 5 ways to enter (do all 5 for 5 entries):
1. Leave a comment = 1 entry
2. Follow me or tell me that you already follow me = 1 entry
3. Mention this giveaway on your blog or facebook status= 1 entry
4. Check out Becky's Bow site (leaving a comment telling me you stopped by) = 1 entry
5. Follow Becky and/or sign up for her newsletter on her blog = 1 entry
That's it! Now head on over to Becky's site and check out her bows and get your eye on one you would like. Giveaway will end Sunday night at 11:00PM (Central Standard Time) with a winner announced on Monday, September 28th.
Great Wolf ~ Here we COME!
The Indoor Waterpark

Friday, September 4, 2009
Harrison ~ 2 months
Look, Mom made me blend in with the bouncer! Thanks I look like a dork!
No More Photos........SERIOUSLY.....
Alright, one more, I am too cute! :)
That's it, I am DONE...
2 month stats...
Weighing in at 13lbs. and 13 oz at 24 inches long is Mr. Harrison :)
What can I say he has to hold his own around this house!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Harrison ~ 8 Weeks
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We are FAMILY......
When I dropped her off at school she kissed her brothers bye, got out and then the boys started to cry...."When will Sissy be home?" Poor things they are sooo mean to her when she is home but as soon as she is gone they want her to come right back.
The photo below was taken today :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Brothers......this is love <3
I put Harrison in the boppy and quickly went and did my thing. As I was coming down the hallway into the living room I heard Parker singing to his brother.....this is the song :)
Makes my heart smile ;)
Here is Harrison at one month old :)