Tuesday, June 17, 2008

About the Miles Video

The Miles Video is the video at the top of my blog that is of the little boy preforming the ISR skills to survive! I found this on the ISR website and thought I would share it!

Many of you who have seen the video segment on YOUTUBE or various blogs on the internet, have asked about the 11 month baby who, along with his father and the family dog, are in the videoclip. The baby had 3 weeks of ISR lessons prior to having his simulated self rescue while fully clothed skills videotaped. It is a re-enacted drowning scenario that happened to a family whose baby was not skilled and therefore drowned. In the scene we taped, both his mother and father were present at the taping along with several other adults and his ISR Instructor. As part of ISR lessons, parents are involved in the water once their baby is skilled, for at-home practice only and you see that they have practiced at home the end of the clip, when his father picks him up.
The video was scripted and shot to be part of the Pediatric Grand Rounds presentations Dr. Barnett uses at major children's hospitals throughout the United States to educate the health care professionals as part of their continuing medical education. In its unedited form, it can be viewed in the Pediatric Grand Rounds presentation from the University of Arizona Tucson Medical Center's webcast of that event. Please realize that this is a presentation for medical doctors, nurses and others who deal with the aftermath of medical emergencies such as drowning and near-drowning, so there are graphic portions that are not suitable viewing for anyone of a sensitive nature. Since the number one question that physicians attending Grand Rounds ask is, "how long can a skilled baby maintain himself independently in the water?", we answered the question in the video with a 5 minute float. In the segment they see, they can view all 5 minutes of the sustained back float. 5 minutes is of special significance for the physicians since they know that the chances of fully recovering a child who has been without air for that long is very remote.
Today as a 4 year old, this little boy is a tremendous swimmer. He swims most everyday in the backyard pool or at an aquatic center but he really prefers the Ocean. To say that he loves the water is an understatement. He is an accomplished snorkeler and can safely dive down 15 feet to see the fish he is learning to identify. His obvious comfort level in the water is the result of his early ISR lessons, he will never remember a time when he was not very skilled in the water. He already shows great respect for the water and his skills since he asks an adult for permission to go into the water. BECAUSE he is so very skilled in the water, he is closely supervised.

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1 comment:

SANMAN said...

i love the pictures from father's day. everyone is so beautiful. the rose is also beautiful. i love looking at your photos. god has given you a great gift. love sandra