Thursday, April 24, 2008


This is a video of Lincoln swimming in summer clothes. Yeah He did it!!!

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Huse Yo Mama said...

Wow! He did a great job!!! YAY, Lincoln!!!

By the way, are you done, or what???

Anonymous said...

I think the ISR is the most wonderful class you could ever put your child in! I came across your site through random clicking of other blogs I read on occasion. My fiance and I have spoken with a few centers that offer the class and as soon as our daughter is old enough (she's only a month old!) she too will be enrolled. The center we chose is an hour or so away, but will be WELL worth it! Thank you so much for being an advocate for ISR and bringing this to my attention!

Nancy said...

Dear Jennifer,
I want to respond to your question on my blog about my grandson. "What happens when he falls in and no one is around?" There will NEVER be a time when he is in or near water that he will be alone! I raised three children with an inground pool in our backyard. They could all swim well by the age of 3. I am a Red Cross Swim Instructor and not only taught my three children to swim but taught hundreds of other children to swim through private swim lessons. I hope to have the privilege of teaching my grandson to swim but if I don't I am confident that his mother and father, a competitive swimmer in college, will instruct him. He will probably grow up to be a competitive swimmer himself. So please do not worry about him. He will ALWAYS be safe around water. I was writing my blog from the perspective of a little boy. It was meant to be cute. Sorry if you did not take it that way. Sincerely, Nancy (a loving and protective grandmother)