Monday, March 10, 2008


Today it is a soaring 40* out I sent Parker out to play and get some fresh air!! As he went out the door I started on lunch only to find **Guess Who** right behind was Parker....telling me that he went potty in his pants. So we pulled off the wet pants and I told him to go put them down the hole (our laundry shoot). Time passed and I finally yelled "Come on Parker-Man get your pants on so you can go outside and play!!!" Well out of our room running he came with a mouth full guess and I will let you know tomorrow!! Here is what I saw...please don't look at the mess coming from his nose...

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Huse Yo Mama said...

Well, I'm assuming it's black beans, seeing as how you titled your blog "beans?"

Emily said...

How hilarious! Those are the classic moments!